eclipse; my new server

· ahwx's blog

eclipse #

I recently bought another server :)

This is the hostname for my new server.

nerd talk (tech specs) #

It has two Intel Xeon E5-2650's, those run at 2.8GHz turbo and have a total of 16 cores and 32 threads. I put 224GB of 1600MHz ECC registered RAM into the thing and a Dell H200 Perc raid controller flashed to LSI/IT mode. I also flashed the custom iLO firmware because it was screaming with a RAID controller not recognized by HPE iLO. This server also has my spinning array (2x 16TB mirrored; 16TB total, 4x 2TB; 6TB total) because sadly, ahwxinator's CPU broke and took certain controllers on the motherboard with it. The boot/main array (3x 1TB HDD) hits about 700 MB/s.

networking plans #

I plan on adding multigig networking, and since ConnectX-3 cards are somewhat cheap (around 50 euro's used), I am questioning if I should just get a Brocade ICX-6610 and two ConnectX-3 cards for my server and workstation. My big spinning array should do about 500MB/s so I wouldn't saturate a 10GbE link. I am planning on adding a flash array, however with at least 4 SSD's. That should (RAID10) saturate about 12GbE, and if I add NVMe drives (which I probably will in the future), I would get about 30-40GbE. This does not seem like a bad option, especially for editting video's straight from the spinning arrays. Another nice bonus is that when I switch to RAID5 instead of RAID1 on my big array, I get a HUGE performance boost.

power plans #

We dont really have power outages here luckily, so I don't have to spend a fortune on a UPS, and the 750W PSU's in the thing work just fine. Solar panels provide about 11k kWh so I am pretty solid there. Our gov is trying to make everyone switch to solar and so if I don't use all of the power, we get net price money for it, thus I do not need a battery if I were trying to save any money.

os and software #

Gentoo GNU/Linux. I am running this on everything. I love every piece of it. I use libvirt for VMs. NGINX for everything web. I am in the process of switching to Docker containers